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Petition: Public sector pay cut for COVID-19 relief

Pay cut imageA temporary salary reduction for politicians and the highest-paid public sector staff would be a prudent and compassionate response to current pressures facing households and businesses.

On average, public sector workers are paid around a third more than the private sector. They also have the luxury of far higher job security. A 20 percent pay cut would be a small sacrifice in these extraordinary times when so many New Zealanders are losing their jobs.

I call on politicians, senior bureaucrats, and local council leadership to take a 20 percent pay cut in light of the COVID-19 crisis.

Who's signing

bruce leckie
Marjon Dufrenne
Kim Ireland
Neil Morrow
Elizabeth Devine
Michelle Rudgley
Sandra Condon
Bernard Powell
Wgc van der Steen
Robert Gray
Tabet Haddadin
Robert Davey
Gray Bartlett MBE
David Ireland
Laraine Barker
Richard Hurst
Steve McCann
Richard Hurst
2,000 signatures

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