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MPs in Depth: David MacLeod

This week on Taxpayer Talk is another episode in our MPs in Depth podcast series where we get to know Parliament's new MPs. In this episode, we sat down with National Party MP, David MacLeod. David is the MP for New Plymouth and was elected at the 2023 general election. He spent...

IRD betrays taxpayers by leaking personal information

RNZ reported this morning on concerns that IRD has been sharing details of thousands of taxpayers with internet giants such as Facebook. The data includes taxpayers’ date of birth, phone numbers and contacts.Commenting on this, Taxpayers’ Union Communications Officer, Alex Emes, said:“These reports that the IRD is leaking taxpayer’s data...

Metlink spends more than $1.3 million on seven toilets

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union can report through an Official Information Act that Metlink has paid $1,300,245 dollars (inc. GST) for a project to install seven toilets in Wellington, exclusively for the use of bus drivers. The locations of the toilets include Houghton Bay, Darlington Road, Wilton, Mairangi, Lyall Bay, Highbury and Karori. Taxpayers’...

South Taranaki proves Luxon right

The New Zealand Taxpayers Union can reveal through the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act that South Taranaki District Council’s new cultural centre (Te Ramanui O Ruaputahanga) has blown out from a starting point of $8 million to $20.1 million.As Prime Minister Christopher Luxon told mayors and councillors who attended the Local Government...

Tip Line

Share secrets. Expose extravagance.

If you know of an example of government extravagance, waste or misspending, we want to know about it! 

Often the best information comes from those inside the public service or local government. We guarantee your anonymity and your privacy. We ask for your contact details only so we can verify the information. We will usually use the information you provide to seek details under the Official Information Act from the relevant government department or council. To report government waste, you can use the form on this page or email [email protected].

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About Us

Who we are

We are New Zealanders who have formed a union to stand up for hardworking New Zealand taxpayers. We represent the common interests of all taxpayers and aim to become New Zealand's largest union.

We are not a political party, and we don't represent big business or special interests. Joining the New Zealand Taxpayers' Union only takes a few minutes and costs $25. Membership entitles you to attend our annual conference, AGM and other events, and to get regular communications from the Taxpayers' Union.

We rely on people just like you to support and donate to our cause to fight government waste. Our annual operating budget is currently smaller than the smallest trade union.

Click here for more information about who we are

The Taxpayers' Union stands for value for money for government spending. We want our politicians spending money as if they'd worked as hard the taxpayers who earned it and argue that new taxes should only be introduced when there are equal decreases in other taxes. We believe in a fair and efficient tax system. We are not a political party, nor are we aligned to any.

We promote sensible restraint of government expenditure by:

  • Scrutinising government spending;
  • publicising government waste;
  • Arguing for an end to corporate and union welfare; and
  • promoting and efficient tax system.

Click here for more information about what we stand for

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Joining the Taxpayers' Union costs only $25 and entitles you to attend our annual conference, AGM and other events.


With your support we can make the Taxpayers' Union a strong voice exposing waste and standing up for Kiwi taxpayers.

Tip Line

Often the best information comes from those inside the public service or local government. We guarantee your anonymity and your privacy.