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Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

Pie in the sky

This morning we released advice on the cost to taxpayers of three of Internet-Mana’s education policies. At a total cost of $17.6 billion they are higher than the entire policy package of the three main political parties combined.

Labour leader David Cunliffe is right when he reportedly said that Internet-Mana are ‘numerically challenged'.

With just three policies Internet-Mana have managed to pledge more spending than National, Labour and the Greens combined.

Even the $11 billion in spending cuts proposed by the ACT Party wouldn’t pay the tab for Internet-Mana.

According to Dr Michael Dunn of Economic and Fiscal Consulting Ltd, forgiving student loan debt would cost $14.2 billion, while ‘free’ tertiary education and full student allowances would cost $568 million and $570 million per annum respectively.

Altogether these three policies would cost a staggering $10,386.84 per household.

As most of Internet Mana's policies lack sufficient detail to enable them to be costed, the Party has not been included in the Bribe-O-Meter graphic at bribe-o-meter.co.nz.

Click here to visit the Bribe-O-Meter.

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