Darleen Tana report must be made publicly available in full
Responding to a Green Party announcement that Darleen Tana has been asked to resign following the completion of a report into allegations made against her, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said:
“Public funds were used to pay for the report, and so the public have a right to see what’s in it. It’s as simple as that.
“Taxpayers have also been on the hook for Tana's salary to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars as this investigation dragged on for month after month. The public need to know why the facts took so long to dig up, so taxpayers’ money won’t be wasted like this again.
“Ms Swarbrick claims the Greens punch well above their weight in holding the powerful to account. Now’s their chance to put their money where their mouth is and let the public hold them accountable.”
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