Will taxpayer bailouts of failing skifield never end?
The Taxpayers’ Union is calling the recent taxpayer-supported $5m loan given to a private corporation for the purchase of a big Ruapehu skifield “an abuse of taxpayer money”.
Commenting on the latest of nine multi-million corporate welfare cheques, Taxpayers’ Union Communications Officer, Alex Emes, said:
“This can no longer be seen as a mistake of government judgement. Once is a waste, twice is incompetence, but nine times is a scandal. How much longer is this grift going to continue?
“If Shane Jones really meant it when he said the eighth payment was “the last chance saloon”, why are we now talking about a ninth payment? Since 2018, more than $50 million of government-backed support has been handed over to this failed project.
“The Ruapehu skifield keeps failing to stay afloat in no small part because Government departments are tying it up in consent restrictions and red tape. Taxpayers keep getting stuck with the tab for cleaning up the Government’s mess.
“It’s time for the abuse of taxpayer money to stop, and start investing in things that will actually benefit hardworking Kiwis.”
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