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Taxpayer Talk: Eric Crampton on the growth in Government and Structural Deficit

Eric Crampton

This week on our podcast is a special Budget edition with our friend from the New Zealand Initiative, Eric Crampton.

Eric is the Initiative’s Chief Economist and provides a much welcome voice of reason to counter some the economic illiteracy often espoused by politicians. In this episode, Eric and Jordan discuss what they think the Government should focus on in the budget and what they need to do to wind back the spending that was ratcheted up by Grant Robertson over COVID.

Whether it’s spending, the growth in the number of bureaucrats, or the ‘brutal job cuts’, Eric provides a useful analysis that really puts the union, bureaucracy and opposition fear-mongering into perspective.

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-05-24 09:06:57 +1200

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