The Clean Car Standard should just be scrapped altogether
Commenting on the Government’s review of the Clean Car Standard, which sees Minister Simeon Brown look to adjust the targets to make them more ‘achievable’ for vehicle companies, Taxpayers’ Union Spokesman, Alex Murphy, said:
“Much like the Clean Car Discount was just middle-class welfare that did nothing to help lower New Zealand’s emissions, the Clean Car Standard also unnecessarily distorts the vehicle market for no environmental gain.
“New Zealand’s net emissions are already capped under the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) – using regulations that make it illegal to import certain cars will only reduce emissions in the transport sector, while subsequently freeing up more carbon credits to be used by the rest of the economy. In other words, none of it makes a shred of difference to New Zealand’s net emissions.
“Worse still, the Clean Car Standard reduces competition in the vehicle sector driving up the costs of all vehicles, including EVs, pushing essential transport further out of reach for many families. The feel-good, do-nothing scheme should be scrapped altogether.”
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