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More Accountability

Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

Tell Steven Joyce to pay it back

steven_joyce.jpgYesterday saw the disclosure of MPs' and Ministers' expenses - the perks they get courtesy of taxpayers to fulfil their duties.

Like most taxpayers, we were aghast to learn that Steven Joyce had racked up a mind-boggling taxi bill while on a day-trip to Sydney. The driver was instructed to keep the meter going... and going... and going.

That meter kept clicking over for a whole 9 hours and cost taxpayers an eye-watering $1,248.

We say that $1,248 taxi bill is unfair to the hard working taxpayers who earned it. Politicians should be as frugal with taxpayers' money as if they were spending their own - and we cannot think of anyone who would keep a taxi meter clicking over for nine hours.

Click here to sign our petition demanding Mr Joyce to pay back his $1,248 taxi fare.

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