Taxpayers’ Union welcomes return of democracy to Tauranga
The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union congratulates Tauranga Mayor-elect Mahé Drysdale and the rest of the Council on a successful campaign and welcomes the overdue return to democracy.
Taxpayers’ Union Local Government Campaigns Manager, Sam Warren, said:
“After being stripped of democracy in early 2021, and then again being shamefully denied the right to a democratic election in 2022 it is great to see democratically accountable representatives back in charge.
“The new Council must work hard to build the trust of the city, treating every ratepayer dollar as if they had earned it themselves. Mahé and his team must focus on getting the basics right, not continuing the attitude of the power-hungry commissioners who were more concerned with ideological pet projects than doing the basics well.
“Mahé has some experience making the boat go faster. He must carry those lessons into council, working as hard as possible to do more with less rather than taking the easy option of shouldering ratepayers with even higher rates in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis.”
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