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Taxpayers’ Union welcomes cutting of granny flat red tape

The Taxpayers’ Union is welcoming today’s announcement that the Government will make it easier to build granny flats without a resource consent.

Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Connor Molloy, said:

“For too long, it has been effectively illegal to build affordable housing in New Zealand. Today’s announcement is a good first step to providing more choice and competition in the housing sector which will bring down the price of what is many people’s single largest expense.

“While some groups call for economically illiterate proposals to impose rent controls, new regulations or new taxes, it is encouraging to see a Government committed to addressing the root cause of the housing problem – supply. The answer to any shortage is simply to get government out of the way and cut the red tape that makes it too expensive, too difficult, or even impossible to increase supply.

“While granny flats won’t be suitable for all people, allowing more choice will mean that those wish to take up that option will have the ability to do so which will also free up accomodation elsewhere in the housing market for others.

“We saw with Kiwibuild that government is not competent enough to build houses. It is a welcome change to see more power handed back to the private sector where people have more freedom to do as they wish on their own property. Today’s announcement, along with wider reform of our resource management, zoning and infrastructure systems will do far more to fix the housing crisis than anything achieved over the past six years.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-06-18 11:25:19 +1200

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