Taxpayers’ $32k Orr-deal as RBNZ Governor jets off in luxury
The Taxpayers’ Union can reveal, through an Official Information Act request, that Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr and a staff member spent $32,048.39 on a six-day trip to Washington DC to meet with central bankers from around the world.
Costs included business-class flights (for Orr), accommodation, meals and laundry.
Commenting on the high costs, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said:
“Given New Zealand is still suffering through its worst economic downturn in over three decades thanks to the work of the Reserve Bank, an ‘all hands on deck’ approach wouldn’t go amiss. Not least from the man running the show.”
“Hopefully the Governor’s $14,025 business-class flights left him well-rested. If not, spending $972 per night on his hotel surely did.”
“Seeing as RBNZ now has more than two and a half times more staff than it did in June 2018, let’s hope the rest of the bank’s employees show a bit more spending restraint than their head honcho.”
“Clearly the international jaunts and hiring sprees haven’t helped the Reserve Bank do its job. It’s time for the Governor to put his head down and focus on undoing some of the economic damage that’s set to be his lasting legacy.”
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