Conflicted ‘reviewer’ of Stats NZ handling of census data and John Tamihere allegations unacceptable
The Taxpayers’ Union is calling on Statistics New Zealand to replace RDC Group’s Doug Craig given new information has come to light showing that the same person reviewing Stats NZ oversight has in fact previously contracted to Stats NZ to advise on their risk management and governance oversight.
The investigation came as a result of allegations that census data was misused and abused for political purposes.
According to an OIA response published online, Mr Craig previously lead Statistics NZ’s Strategic Advice and Governance Review into risk management and governance oversight.
Taxpayers’ Union spokesman Jordan Williams said,
“Mr Craig might have the necessary expertise for the investigation, but he is clearly conflicted. In effect, he’s been asked to mark his own homework.
“It is disgraceful that Stats NZ ever thought this appointment was appropriate. If Mr Craig slams Stats NZ’s systems, management will point straight to Mr Craig’s previous review as being at fault. It’s a terrible situation.
“If Stats NZ can’t see the problem, it’s high time the Minister of Statistics stepped in and demanded a proper independent investigation - what the public was promised weeks ago when the John Tamihere allegations first arose.”
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