“Race to the bottom” - Dunedin Council’s $4.4 million funding boost for events
Dunedin City Council has agreed to open consultation on a $4.4 million boost in funding towards local events and festivals – described by one promotor as a ‘a drop in the ocean’.
“It’s an unfortunate lesson in corporate welfare” said Sam Warren, Local Government Campaigns Manager for the Taxpayers’ Union.
“If there was a business case for these events, pumping endless cash into them wouldn’t be required.”
“Promoters are concerned about competing with Christchurch’s events, which receives even more public funding. Christchurch will then compete with Dunedin – Dunedin with Christchurch, and so on. It’s a race to the bottom, funded by ratepayers.”
“One promotor said $4.4 million was not enough, a ‘drop in the ocean’. It’s a slippery slope that quickly becomes a money hose.”
“Last year Dunedin locals suffered a 17.5 percent average increase to their rates. Council should be looking harder at finding savings, not funding nice-to-haves.”
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