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More Accountability

Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

NEW POLL: Significantly more people support Government’s Fast Track Approvals Bill than oppose it

Despite the number of protests over the Government’s Fast Track Approvals Bill, a Taxpayers' Union-Curia poll shows that significantly more Kiwis support than oppose the Bill.

The full polling report can be found here.

Voters were asked: "The Government has introduced a Fast-track Approvals Bill that it says will speed up the process for consenting infrastructure projects and reduce costs. Opponents of the bill say that it gives too much power to Government ministers and that it does not have sufficient environmental protections. Do you support or oppose the Fast Track Approvals Bill?"

44% of respondents support the Fast Track Approvals Bill, whilst just 32% of respondents opposed the Bill. 24% of respondents were unsure.

Commenting on this, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said:

“New Zealand’s economy is limping along, and we need to get building again. That can only happen with wholesale planning reform, but for now this Bill offers a partial stop-gap solution to get the country’s cogs turning.

“People want to see action on the large-scale projects we can’t afford to wait years to be approved. They might want to see some tinkering around the edges of the Bill, but far more of them support the Government speeding up the process than continuing to just sit around twiddling its thumbs.

“Despite protests from a very vocal minority, Kiwis want action from their Government. The Fast Track Approvals Bill isn’t perfect, but people can see that this is a Government which is taking steps to get the wheels in motion again

Any media or other organisation that reports on this poll should include the following summary statement:

The poll was conducted by Curia Market Research Ltd for the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union. It is a random poll of 1,000 adult New Zealanders and is weighted to the overall adult population. It was conducted by phone (landlines and mobile) and online between 04 June and 06 June 2024, has a maximum margin of error of +/- 3.1%. The full results are at: www.taxpayers.org.nz/fast_track_poll

The scientific poll was conducted by Curia Market Research and commissioned by the New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union. As is well known, but for full disclosure, David Farrar co-founded the Taxpayers’ Union and previously served on its board. He is also a Director of Curia Market Research Ltd.

This Taxpayers’ Union – Curia issue poll was conducted from Tuesday 04 June to Thursday 06 June 2024. The median response was collected on Wednesday 05 June 2024. The sample size was 1,000 eligible New Zealand voters: 800 by phone and 200 by online panel. The sample selection for the phone panel is from those who are contactable on a landline or mobile phone selected at random from 15,000 nationwide phone numbers plus a random selection from an online panel (that complies with ESOMAR guidelines for online research). The results are weighted to reflect the overall voting adult population in terms of gender, age, and area. Based on this sample of 1,000 respondents, the maximum sampling error (for a result of 50%) is +/- 3.1%, at the 95% confidence level. Results for sub-groups such as age and area will have a much higher margin of error and not seen as precise. 

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is an independent and membership-driven activist group, dedicated to being the voice for Kiwi taxpayers in the corridors of power. Its mission, lower taxes, less waste, more accountability, is supported by 200,000 subscribed members and supporters.

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-06-21 13:43:14 +1200

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