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PM sees writing on the wall: Time to sell TVNZ?

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has floated the possibility of selling assets which fail to return value after the next election, putting TVNZ firmly in the firing line. Taxpayers’ Union Communications Officer, Alex Emes, responded to the reports by saying, “better late than never”.

“Finally, the PM has hinted at the writing on the wall. Owning failing companies like TVNZ who are deep in debt while continuing to lose money by the day is a losing strategy for the taxpayers that own them, and a losing strategy for New Zealand. It's time to cut the cord and save taxpayers from the subsidies or bailouts they will inevitably be on the hook for.”

“However, for the taxpayers who own TVNZ, the government has to do a little less talk and a lot more action. Waiting to sell TVNZ until after the next election means taxpayers will see a much lower return on investment while the dying media monster continues to post additional millions of dollars in losses.”

“While it is good that the government has begun to have this desperately needed conversation, they need to realise now is the time to sell TVNZ, not years down the line.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2025-01-28 15:43:04 +1300

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