Lower Taxes, Less Waste,
More Accountability

Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

OIA: Request for secret agreement contents

Earlier this week, we sent this Offical Infomation Act request (OIA), to the Cabinet Secretary (a senior official in the non-political Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet) asking what information he has, or knows, about the contents of the 36-page secret document. 

Even if the DPMC does not actually have the document, any knowledge of its contents is 'official information' for the purposes of the Official Information Act. So, that is precisely what we have asked for.

Back in November the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, said her Government would be "the most open, most transparent Government that New Zealand has ever had". So we started a petition calling on the secret 36-page agreement between Labour and New Zealand First, to be released. 

If you want the Government to live up to their campaign promise, click here to sign our petition.




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