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Nicola Willis should withdraw slanderous accusation levied at New Zealand butcheries

Nicola Willis' comparison of Wellington City Council to a butcher's slaughterhouse is demeaning to both the ratepayers of Wellington, and hard working, decent, blue collar butchers around New Zealand, says the Taxpayers' Union.

"Nicola Willis' comments on Newstalk ZB this morning were totally over the top. While Wellington City Council might be a sea of red ink, with blood up the walls, backstabbing and skulduggery, this sort of polarised rhetoric is not called for."

"Wellington's Town Hall might appear like a horror movie, but to call it a butcher's slaughterhouse is a step too far."

"Wellington needs adult, respectful, political leadership. Not blood curdling slurs.  Butcheries from the Hutt to Petone would be horrified to have their professions compared to the actions of the Mayor and councillors as a so-called 'shambles'."

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-10-15 16:29:03 +1300

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