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Napier City Council, get back to work!

The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union can reveal Napier City Council staff are required to work in the office just 60 percent of the time, and Chief Executive Louise Miller, only three days per week.

“In September, the Public Service Minister sent a loud message to civil servants that she expected them to return to the office, curtailing the Work from Home culture many bureaucrats have come to milk since Covid restrictions" said Taxpayers' Union Local Government Campaigns Manager, Sam Warren.

“There is no reason why local councils like Napier shouldn’t follow suit. Napier’s policy of working from home applies to about 554 council staff. By allowing a 60-40 split between office and home, Mondays and Fridays must look like an absolute ghost town.

“Louise Miller, on her $388,500 Chief Executive salary, needs to lead the charge on working onsite, and cut out the ‘show-up-when-you-feel-like-it’ mollycoddle that most private sector workers would disparage."

Showing 1 reaction

  • Sam Warren
    published this page in News 2024-10-21 13:46:14 +1300

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