Miserable cuts to the bureaucracy locking in the growth under Labour
The Taxpayers’ Union is slamming the revelations in yesterday’s information release from the Public Service Commission that shows the bureaucracy has only reduced by 416 FTEs since December last year.
Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Connor Molloy, said:
“Is that it? After all the noise about how many jobs have been lost, the number of bureaucrats is still 2166 more than in June last year and more than 18,000 people higher than in 2017 when Labour came to power.
“These staff reductions aren’t even enough to offset the enormous growth in the Ministry for the Environment, let alone across the entire public service bureaucracy. The Government seems determined to lock in the bureaucratic bloat that has occurred over the past six years.
“The Government needs to push harder and faster to cut staff in order to bring the books back into shape and drive down inflation. The Minister argues that many budget decisions are yet to flow through into job reductions but that is simply not good enough – thousands of the jobs that needed to be cut would have been obvious from day one, it’s time they got on with the job.”
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