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McLiesh’s mask-slip demonstrates why next treasury appointment is so vital

The Taxpayers’ Union says New Zealanders can confidently welcome the departure of Treasure Secretary Caralee McLiesh, who is headed back to Australia and has made a departure swan song calling for a capital gains tax to help paper over unsustainable government finances.

Responding to the comments, Taxpayers’ Union Executive Director, Jordan Williams, said:

“A generation ago, Treasury bosses were focused on growing the economy and New Zealand’s economic prosperity.

"Following the disastrous tenure of both Gabriel Makhlouf and Caralee McLiesh’s lacklustre performance, taxpayers would say ‘good riddance’ to Treasury bosses who are more interested in growing and funding the size of government, rather than growing the economy.

"The two most important decisions of Nicola Willis this term are her picks for the heads of Treasury and the Public Service Commission.

"Willis should be looking outside the blob and take inspiration from the likes of Sir Roderick Dean and Graham Scott, and a generation of thought leaders who put New Zealand back on track in the 80s and 90s.

"You don’t need decades of public sector experience to work out that much greater fiscal discipline is required to rein in clearly excessive government expenditure.

"Treasury should be the cheerleaders of fiscal discipline, not the excuse-makers demanding new taxes to pay for politicians' folly."

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-09-02 16:32:20 +1200

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