Handouts for Ruapehu ski fields must be halted
Today’s NZ Herald reports that the Government is considering providing funding to enable the purchase of land, to build a marae or cultural hub, and ‘assistance resolving concerns’ about the use of the name Tūroa for the ski field.
Responding to these reports, Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Connor Molloy, said:
“If the issue is really about concerns with the trademark over the Tūroa family name, then the simple solution is to change the name. There is no reason for the Government to hand over millions of dollars in apparent ‘compensation’ for using the name.
“A name change to something as straightforward as the ‘South-West Ski field’ would suffice and is unlikely to give rise to any trademark issues. But unfortunately, this Government is developing a reputation for appeasing any group with an itch that they want scratched. This was the modus operandi of the previous Government, and it simply has to stop.”
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