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Budget 2024: National continue to give taxpayer money to corporate welfare bludgers

Budget 2024: National continue to give taxpayer money to corporate welfare bludgers

The Taxpayers’ Union is lashing out at the continuation of the Government’s corporate welfase schemes, labelling them ‘socialism for the rich’.

Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Connor Molloy, said:

“The $181.161 million to the Hollywood bigwigs and Peter Jackson’s of the world, along with the continuation of gaming subsidies reeks of economic illiteracy. The Government should be making it easier for all businesses to grow, not hand-picking fashionable special interest groups that can’t stand on their own two feet.

“Taxpayers should not be subsidising Hollywood and video game devs.

“Taking money from successful businesses, spinning it through the bureaucracy and then handing it to other businesses will not create more jobs than it costs – it’s socialism for the rich.

“If politicians were good any good at picking winners, they would never have to worry about fundraising ever again. The fact of the matter is that the Government is putting all of the risk on taxpayers while allowing wealthy corporates to keep the profit."

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-05-30 14:18:54 +1200

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