Luxon’s credibility on the line with tomorrow’s climate target announcement
Tomorrow’s expected announcement on what the Luxon Government has signed New Zealand taxpayers up for in terms of Paris Agreement emission targets for 2030-2035 are a first real test of whether the Government’s claimed focus on economic growth is genuine, says the Taxpayers’ Union.
“This is where the rubber hits the road,” says James Ross, Policy Manager at the Taxpayers’ Union.
“In the context of the US having pulled the plug on the Paris Agreement, and with the UK’s ‘net zero’ intentions in question, no responsible New Zealand government would sign up for a second round of ‘ambitious’ and impossible targets if they are serious about growing the economy.”
“Treasury estimate that the Ardern/Shaw-era 2030 targets will cost Kiwi taxpayers up to $24 billion - that’s twelve Dunedin hospitals or $12,000 for every New Zealand household.”
“If the Government does a rinse and repeat, or sets targets that apply to agricultural emissions, that would be close to economic sabotage, and make a joke of Mr Luxon’s comments about ‘going for growth’.”
“The Taxpayers’ Union has long supported sensible emissions reductions using our world leading Emissions Trading Scheme. But such a scheme can only operate with realistic targets and collective international action. Sacrificing our economic prosperity at the altar of good intentions when other countries are pulling back would be an economic and political stink bomb.”
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