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Charities Commission needs to act on Manurewa Marae

The Taxpayers’ Union is calling on the Charities Commission to open an investigation into the new allegations relating to Te Pāti Māori’s alleged campaign use of a charity’s van, as reported by TVNZ’s Q+A yesterday.

“The Charities Commission has previously come down like a ton of bricks and deregistered charities for advocating for conservative viewpoints. Here, it is so much worse: allegedly misappropriating charitable resources to directly support a political party and candidate.”

“There is already a perception by many New Zealanders that the Charities Commission is politically slanted. Here is the test for whether the same law applies to all groups. So far, in refusing to comment to the media or announce that it is investigating, it is failing that test."

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-06-24 13:41:45 +1200

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