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Wellington Chief Exec crosses a line, must be sacked after latest power grab

For the second year in a row, and despite being a major political debate, Wellington City Council Chief Executive Barbara McKerrow has denied elected councillors access to ratepayer-funded legal advice surrounding the sale of the airport shares.

This follows McKerrow this weekend releasing a new code severely limiting councillors’ access to the official information councillors require to do their jobs.

The Taxpayer’s Union has re-launched its petition calling for Barbara McKerrow to be sacked. Commenting on this, the Union’s Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said:

“Wellington Chief Exec Barbara McKerrow believes its her job to tell councillors how to run the council. Stifling reports, denying access to official information, and hiding ratepayer-funded legal advice are par for the course in McKerrow’s little fiefdom.

“Democracy doesn’t stop applying because McKerrow finds it inconvenient. Is it any wonder Wellington is going down the pan when councillors can’t even see how the sausage is made at Wellington City Council?

“Councillors need to flex their muscles and show the Chief Exec that she works for residents, not the other way around. If she can’t come to terms with the city not being her little plaything, then the only job she’s fit for is emptying her desk on her way out.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-06-18 11:22:13 +1200

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