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Taxpayers’ Union’s “Bouncy Council” puts the spotlight on Hastings Mayor

The Taxpayers’ Union – along with a hundred or so local members and supporters – presented the Hastings District Council new council chambers today in the form of a “Bouncy Council” (bouncy castle) to reflect the Mayor and councillors who are acting like children in appointing teenagers as voting members of Council Committees.

“Councillors and the Mayor are acting like children at the very time Hastings needs some adults,” Jordan Williams, the Union’s executive director said. “This is a Council having to rebuild after Gabrielle and imposing a 19% rates hike this year alone.”

“Luckily for the adolescents on the Council, Sandra Hazlehurst has been blowing more than enough hot air to inflate the five metre-high bouncy castle, with plenty spare to keep the bubble machines going.”

“On the very slim chance the Mayor missed the giant pink unicorn bouncy castle, the hundred Hastings residents turning out in the middle of a workday (and on only a few hours’ notice), and the bubble machine, it serves as a warning shot that ratepayers are sick of being taken for a ride.”

“Councillors need to get back to business, send the kids back to school, and focus on delivering value for ratepayers’ money.”

“Unfortunately the Mayor refused to front. She was probably taking a nap, or didn’t want to disturb her play time.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-10-04 11:46:37 +1300

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