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The time is now to sell TVNZ

Following yesterday’s strategy meeting, TVNZ has proposed outsourcing its daily operations and shutting down the 1News website and app in an attempt to find $30 million dollars in savings.

Commenting on this, Taxpayer’s Union Communications Officer, Alex Emes, said:

“It’s nice that TVNZ is finally looking to cut costs and start showing an interest in cleaning up the financial boondoggle they have got themselves into.

“However, the timing of this announcement begs the question ‘why didn’t they decide to save $30 million earlier?’. Had they acted sooner, the public purse wouldn’t have needed to bear the brunt of TVNZ’s $85 million loss this year.

“This cut-cutting exercise is evidence they are running a failed business model. With the company burning through cash and now unable to deliver the services it is supposed to be providing New Zealanders, it’s time the government sells TVNZ before this fiasco gets even worse.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-10-08 09:27:26 +1300

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