Taxpayers' Union on MP's pay rise
AUDIO: Politicians "don't deserve" payrise RadioLIVE - 22/11/2013
Politicians' pay rises and more on way DominionPost - 22/11/2013
Jordan Williams, executive director of the Taxpayers' Union, said MPs were getting a "Christmas bonus" at a time when the Government was borrowing millions of dollars a day to cover its spending.
He said Errington's comments about the gap to executive pay were "deeply concerning" and seemed to overlook the nature of ministerial roles.
"By pegging MPs' remuneration to the private sector, you're effectively saying they're in a job. Well, for MPs, it's not a job, you're not even a bureaucrat.
"It is public service and the Remuneration Authority seems to have forgotten that," he said.
MPs don't deserve pay rise - Taxpayers' Union Yahoo News - 22/11/2013
Community service key to MPs' happiness Waikato Times - 22/11/2013