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Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

“Same old Labour” clearly not ready to return to Treasury benches

Labour faithful gathered this weekend in Christchurch for the party’s annual conference to consider their approach towards the 2026 election – with future tax policy high up on the agenda.

“Labour has never met a tax it didn’t like” said Taxpayers’ Union Spokesman, Sam Warren.

“With ‘change’ and ‘challenge’ being central themes for this year’s conference, what we got was more of the same.”

“Productivity in New Zealand is at rock bottom, and insolvencies are much higher than the global average – and despite Hipkins’ political deflection, higher taxes won’t grow the economy and improve our lives."

“According to Labour, it seems that no problem can be solved without taxing Kiwis more. Six years in the driver’s seat has proven otherwise."

“Without any semblance of a plan to boost economic growth and improve productivity, Labour is clearly not ready for the Treasury benches in two short years. It will be simple; a vote for Labour is a vote for more taxes and even more backwards thinking.”

Showing 2 reactions

  • Richard Hickman
    followed this page 2024-12-02 12:39:10 +1300
  • Sam Warren
    published this page in News 2024-12-02 10:19:14 +1300

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