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Who has received Public Interest Journalism Fund money?

Now that the Public Journalism Fund's excessive spending has come to an end, which media companies received the most unneeded welfare? Here's our top ten government-funded media organisations for the last three years, and what that money has gone to!

Total - Top Ten Recipients
Media Organisation
What They Got: Total Amount:

37 Journalism Cadetships for Māori, Pasifika and diverse journalists, an online tool detailing Pakehā land ownership over time, Kaupapa Māori and Audio Innovation role for accessibility for low-vision mana whenua, 15 roles for coverage of remote court proceedings, support for community journalists in provincial newspapers, weekly bilingual section in Rotorua Weekender about iwi issues.

*Includes $635,020 in indirect funding.

RNZ New journalism unit covering topics in Hindi & Mandarin for Asian communities, strengthen Māori knowledge across the organisation, 20 local democracy reporting roles across New Zealand, The Detail podcast, the Party People podcast. $5,800,207.00
Stuff Media Stuff Circuit - project covering more risky topics in New Zealand, Te Reo Māori translator, 20 Pou Tiaki & Community reporters to cover Māori and minority issues, retaining community coverage in Marlborough, The Whole Truth - limited series covering public health, Xin xi Lan - multimedia project about first Chinese immigrants to Aotearoa, cultural competency course for Stuff journalists. $4,806,528.00
Sunpix Tagata Pasifika - flagship Pacific news program, two journalists for Tagata Pasifika, Ifoga - documentary on Pasifika abuse in state care, Maisuka - documentary about Type 2 Diabetes in Moana Pasifika youth. $4,251,360.00

Q&A with Jack Tame - current affairs program, 2022-2023, News 2 Me - news program for children, series 1 & 2, Ohinga 2 - reo Māori-fluent show focused on Māori current events, Manutaki Māori role for cultural competency.

*Includes $264,386 of commissioned projects

Discovery NZ Newshub Nation, 2022-2023 - current affairs programme, Pacific Affairs Correspondent for Discovery NZ TV shows, Newshub Cultural Partnership Navigator to bring kaupapa māori framework to newsroom. $2,356,696.00
Newsroom Newsroom Investigates - (2022-2023) series of investigative news videos, The Detail - near-daily podcast covering news issues (2021-2023), four Te Rito graduate roles for new journalists, Video Content Creator to share news stories wider, Climate Change Interview Series - videos about New Zealand's low-carbon future, Sub-Editor for more online content, four part-time South Island reporters and one Māori Editor, upskilling of two graduate journalists. $2,189,301.00
Great Southern Television The Hui Series 7 & 8 - weekly bilingual Māori cultural affairs programme, The Hui: Summer Edition Series 1 & 2 - six cultural stories and training for four cadet journalists. $1,834,367.65
The Spinoff

Two Sub-editors for fact-checking, vetting, captioning and accessibility of videos, 10-month upskilling program for editors with partner publications, Local Elections 2022 coverage, The Quarter Million - series on royal commission into abuse in care homes, IRL - series covering online life after thepandemic, Nē? - Podcast and articles covering te ao Māori issues, Māori politics and Pacific communities reporters for dedicated coverage, mentorship programme for journalism cadets.

*Includes $544,654 of commissioned projects.

UMA Broadcasting Paakiwaha - bilingual radio programme broadcast on Radio Waatea, about Māori perspective on news and current events, 6.5 FTE staff (editors, senior & trainee journalists) for Radio Waatea. $1,664,000.00


Sixth Round recipients    
95bfm 1 x Digital News Sub-Editor creating content for website and social media channels $36,956
Te reo o Ngati Kahungunu 1 x Digital Content Creator & 1 x Producer $204,176
Indian Newslink 1 x Audience Engagement Expert & 1 x Hamilton Reporter $199,650
Stuff 1 x Te Reo Māori Translator & 2 x Marlborough Reporters $249,260
Pacific Media Network 1 x Political Reporter, 1 x Digital Producer, 1 x Digital Editor/Camera Operator, 1 x Sub-Editor $430,849
Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto 1 x Video News Journalist $85,000
AgriHQ 1 x Farmer's Weekly Digital Editor $89,981
NZME 1 x Kaupapa Māori Editor $123,600
Allied Press 1 x Family Court Reporter, 1 x Youth Court Reporter, 1 x Employment Relations Authority Reporter  $266,591
E-Tangata 1 x Senior Writer/Editor - Pacific News, 1 x Senior Writer/Editor - Māori News, 1 x Editor/Mentor, 1 x Digital Marketing Manager $350,496
Metro 1 x Te Ao Māori Editor & 1 x Sub-Editor $51,066
Ashburton Guardian 1 x Rural Content Editor, focused on agricultural concerns around Ashburton $85,000
Gisborne Herald 1 x Kaupapa Māori Reporter to suit large Māori populace $77,464
Local Matters 1 x Auckland Council reporter, for analysis of council activities for nine local outlets $84,579
Newshub 1 x Māori Affair Reporter, to bring Kaupapa Māori to the newsroom $145,810
Newsroom 1 x Sub-Editor to draft/edit reporter submissions $94,395
The Spinoff 1 x Māori Political Reporter (part time) & 1 x Sub-Editor $166,500
Valley Profile 2 x News Reporters (one full-time, one part-time) for Hauraki/Coromandel area $89,300
BayBuzz 2 x Local Accountability Reporters (part time) for Hawkes Bay area $88,800
Crux 1 x Senior Editorial Role, news coverage for Wānaka/Queenstown area $126,250
Industry Development Funding    
Attitude Pictures Additional multimedia training for disabled journalism cadet $7,600
Go Global Extension of two more cadetships for Chinese-background cadets in digital journalism $141,280
NZ Geographic Four day wānanga to train 18 journalists in data journalism w/ Science Media Centre $98,824
Emergency Resilience Relief    
Gisborne Herald   $12,324
Hawkes Bay App   $21,429
Te Reo Irirangi o Kahungunu   $29,663
Te Reo Irirangi o Ngāti Porou   $30,000


Fifth Round recipients    
Te Reo Irirangi O Te Hiku O Te Ika 1 x 12-month season for video news series $460,000
Aotearoa Media Collective A new Māori current affairs project $452,198
The Big Idea A 26 video series covering topical art news and investigations $181,800
Great Southern Television Ltd Production of 6 current affairs stories for series 2 of The Hui: Summer Edition  $187,114
Business Desk A project to investigate agencies' involvement in healthcare spending across NZ, through a series of 50-70 articles. $85,255
Metro Media Group Limited A series of feature articles that look at commercial properties development in Tamaki Makaurau $30,460
Indo Kiwi United Trust Weekly series of 48 videos for Punjabi and Sikh audiences $169,440
Kiwi Kids News A 12-month project producing 2 weekly news articles written in te reo Māori, with English translation $46,706
Mediaworks Tova O'Brien Special, which includes an interview with Volodymyr Zelensky $50,000
Te Korimako o Taranaki A 9-month training programme for 5 Māori journalists $395,000
Attitude Pictures Continued training and coaching for disabled interns $142,520
Global HQ 2 x 12-month mentorships for tertiary students $25,000
Go Global Ltd 2 x 12-month training programmes for Chinese cadets $137,280
Inland App Company A 12 month journalism programme in Central Otago for high school students $7,800
The Spinoff A 10-month initiative to train journalism editors $201,036
Hawke's Bay App 1 x Editor/Presenter and 1 x Video Journalist for 2 years $388,700
Consumer NZ Incorporated 1 x Reporter for one year, to focus on economically marginalised groups $85,600
Migrant News 1 x Reporter for one year, to focus on migrant audiences $55,854
Radio Ngāti Porou Charitable Trust 1 x Digital Content Designer and 1 x Digital Producer for one year $128,784
Inland App Company 1 x Local Democracy Journalist for 2 years  $101,400
Warner Bros Discovery NZ 1 x Pasifika Affairs Correspondent for 2 years $248,240
Indian Newslink 1 x Digital Graphic Designer and 1 x Audience Engagement Expert for one year  $186,992
The National Pacific Radio Trust 1 x Chief of Staff and 1 x a Newsreader for one year $207,461
Metro Media Group Ltd 1 x Part-time Sub-Editor for one year $20,316


Fourth Round recipients    
Allied Press Training for five new journalists $516,000
Indo Kiwi United Trust Professional development for existing journalists at NZ Punjabi News $35,300
North & South Media Limited 1 x trainee/cadet journalist for up to one year $68,200
Allied Press To deliver local video news content to local communities $695,000
Apna Networks Ltd A podcast series to empower migrant ethnic communities to appropriately respond to mental health issues $101,897
Cinco Cine Film Productions Ltd A pilot development and content creation programme introducing tamariki and rangatahi to journalism as a viable career $800,000
Metro Media Group Limited 4 x long-form articles about how the arts get funded $39,380
The Spinoff A team of writers and contributors to cover the 2022 local body elections $160,187
Very Nice Productions Ltd Regional video news for Bay of Plenty, Gisborne, Hawke's Bay, Wairarapa and Whanganui with accompanying articles $604,520
Te Reo o Ngāti Kahungunu Inc 2 x roles to utilise current radio content and make it available for online distribution $214,245
BayBuzz 2 x roles to deepen coverage of agribiz-environment, healthcare delivery and public body accountability $88,800
Indian Newslink 2 x roles to report on issues related to youth South Asian communities $362,520
Newsroom NZ Ltd 1 x video content creator $159,340
Crux 1 x junior/intermediate role to support public interest journalism in the Southern Lakes and Central Otago districts $139,520
Te Reo Irirangi o Maniapoto 2 x roles to support Te Reo Kahika news service to share tribal news using bilingual local narratives $160,000


Third Round recipients    
Allied Press 1 x Partnership Editor role $145,650
Campus Radio 95bFM 1 x Sub-Editor $32,916
Discovery NZ 1 x Newshub Cultural Partnership Navigator $130,500
GlobalHQ 1 x Digital Editor $105,000
Kowhai Media Ltd 1 x Kaiwhakatiki Hourua $55,020
Mana Trust 1 x Editor/Mentor and 1 x Digital Marketing Manager $165,000
Newsroom NZ 1 x Sub Editor $91,679
NZME 1 x Kaupapa Editor and 1 x Audio Innovation role $200,280
Radio One 91FM 1 x Digital Content Edit $20,000
RNZ 1 x Kurawhakaue Partnership Editor Role $108,000
Stuff 1 x te reo Māori Translator $103,000
Te Po 1 x Kawea Te Rongo Kaiwhakahaere $68,250
The Spinoff 1 x Sub Editor role $105,450
The Pantograph Punch 1 x Business Development role and 1 x Social Media Specialist (3 months) $95,040
Tikilounge Productions 1 x Pasifika Youth Digital News Editor $75,000
Allied Press 6 x long-form articles and staff training programmes $61,725
BusinessDesk Charity Sector Investigation minimum 30 stories $154,020
Discovery NZ Newshub Nation 2022, 41 x 50 mins and a podcast series  $978,175
Great Southern Television The Hui, 40 x 28 mins shows and 40 x 28 mins podcasts Māori current affairs $737,036
Kakalu Media Online project for Kakalu o Tonga $9,817
Kowhai Media, A Voice for Tangaroa 4 x 3000-word written features, 6 x 400-1,500 word stories about the ocean $146,745
Luke Nola & Friends 80 x 4 mins videos for digital platforms and 80 x 2 mins videos for social media  $653,773
Mahi Tahi Media 50 x 4 mins videos $264,386
Māori Television Journalism training wānanga  $189,200
Muster Vibrant Rural Communities Women’s perspectives on social and cultural issues, 9 x 3000 words, 72 x 600-1,500-word stories, 6 x 3 mins videos  $292,692
Newsroom NZ Newsroom Investigates 2022, 60 mins video investigative affairs $336,358
Newsroom NZ Climate Change Interview Series, 10 x 12 mins video interviews $40,000
North & South Media Exploring Aotearoa’s Chinese Communities, 4-6 features totaling 20,000 words $25,000
NZME, Whenua: Is it yours? Interactive database and map, 4 x 1,500-3,000-word features $80,500
Stuff Stuff Circuit 2022 a minimum of 90 mins of video, investigative current affairs $324,000
SunPix Tagata Pasifika  51 x 23 mins and 2 x 90 mins Pasifika news $1,919,913
Te Parerē National Māori Students Magazine 32 digital issues focused on Māori youth current affairs $28,240
The Spinoff, The Quarter Million 2 x 4,000 – 5,000-word feature and Instagram titles $152,304
TVNZ, Kids Kōrero 30 x 5 mins linear videos, 30 x 2 mins explainer videos, and 30 x 5 mins podcasts $517,364
TVNZ, Q + A with Jack Tame 2022 40 x 59 mins episodes, plus a two-hour special of current affairs, $842,200
NZME for two years to support newsgathering $940,188
Stuff for two years of its Marlborough newsgathering. $731,300


Second round recipients    
Stuff  20 x roles  $2,789,240
RNZ 20 x Local reporting roles $3,554,000
NZME 15 x roles  $2,995,702
Maori Television 7 x roles  $1,593,000
School Road Publishing  1 x role for Woman magazine $189,660
SunPix 2 x roles for TP+ $273,600
Local Matters 1 x role for Local Matters $150,148
Crux Publishing 1 x role for Crux   $151,200
The Spinoff 2 x roles for The Spinoff $427,800
Ashburton Guardian  1 x role for the Ashburton Guardian $150,000
Central App 1 x role for Central App $31,200
North & South 1 x role for North & South Media $230,000
Newsroom 4 x roles for Newsroom and shared role $528,316
Allied Press 4 x roles for Otago Daily Times and other Allied Press $711,797
Valley Media 1 x role for The Valley Profile $127,096
The Gisborne Herald 1 x role for The Gisborne Herald $183,240
Metro Media Group 1 x part-time role for Metro Magazine $47,600
Mana Trust 4 x roles for E-Tangata $650,000
Kiwi Media Publishing 4 x roles for The Indian Weekender


National Pacific Radio Trust 4 x roles for Pacific Media Network $275,000
Television New Zealand 2 x roles for TVNZ News, for one year $206,000
Te Reo Irirangi O Te Hiku O Te Ika 1 x role  $176,200
Very Nice Productions 1 x role for Local Focus $105,000
UMA Broadcasting 6.5 x roles for Radio Waatea $774,000
Discovery New Zealand 3 x roles for Newshub $695,560


First round recipients    
Newsroom for RNZ The Detail, 322 x 22 mins podcasts $806,135
Stuff The Whole Truth, an animated fact-checking project $591,465
UMA Broadcasting for Waateanews.com Paakiwaha A bilingual news and current affairs show $433,000
Hex Work for The Spinoff IRL doing investigative features and personal stories $335,746
Aotearoa Media Collective Aotearoa Media Collective for RNZ, Tūranga FM, Radio Waatea Party People, an audio and video series $236,930
Hex Work for The Spinoff Nē? a podcast and written series $217,325
Red Sky Film & Television for Three Inside Child Poverty 10 Years On, a review by Bryan Bruce $204,970
SunPix for TP+, E-Tangata, Māori Television, Pacific Media Network (NPRT) Ifoga, video series about Pasifika who have suffered abuse in state care $181,118
Great Southern Television for Newshub.co.nz The Hui: Summer Edition a Māori current affairs programme $178,729
BusinessDesk for BusinessDesk How Good Is Our Public Service? multimedia series   $174,092
SunPix for TP+, Pacific Media Network (NPRT), E-Tangata, Māori Television  Maisuka, a documentary about Type 2 diabetes for Moana adolescents $131,139
Kowhai Media for New Zealand Geographic Being Teen, A text and photography-based longitudinal series $98,533
Tech-day for SecurityBrief,  CFO tech N, IT Brief, bizEDGE, ChannelLife, FutureFive  Cybersecurity In Aotearoa text-based stories and interviews on security $73,152
North & South Media for North & South System Overhaul  long-form text story about fixing state care $42,500
Lifestyle Publishing for Wilderness Magazine The Living Forest A text-based series about three iwi in NZ $4,250
Very Nice Productions for NZ Herald and NZME  Local Focus a regional video news service $840,000
Allied Press for ODT.co.nz The South Today expanded service of video news for the South Island $675,000
Awa FM for Awa FM Te Awa - News made from the perspective of Whanganui Māori $498,370
Te Reo Irirangi O Te Hiku O Te Ika for Tehiku.nz Haukāinga - initiative providing news to Māori audiences in Northland  $460,000
Te Wāhanga Reo Rua, NZME for Rotorua Weekender Rotorua Weekender, weekly bilingual Te Reo Māori and English section in the Rotorua Weekender $440,000
Stuff for PlayStuff and Māori Television Forever A Foreigner multimedia series about NZ's first Asian immigrants $214,360
Crux for Crux.org.nz Deep South video series examining social and economic issues in the South Island  $189,522
Vanishing Point Studio for North & South and multiple local newspapers Fault Lines, cross-platform piece looking into the Alphine Fault $166,600
Whakatupuria Te Moana A Toi Whakatupuria, multimedia project that looks into the Provincial Growth Fund in the Eastern Bay of Plenty $97,000
Salient Magazine Te Ao Mārama A special edition of Salient produced by Māori students  $7,291
 NZME, Māori Television, Newshub and Pacific Media Network with 11 support partners Te Rito Journalism Project, a programme to train and hire 25 cadet Māori, Pasifika and diverse journalists. $2,419,253
Aotearoa Media Collective Pīpī Paopao initiative providing regional workshops to 100 iwi radio staff $361,815
Stuff Training: Multi-lens Journalism $300,800
The Spinoff Current Affairs and Culture Magazine Mentorship Programme training initiative pairing journalism cadets with a mentor $287,310
BusinessDesk Cadet Training Programme, training two speicalist business journalists  $191,000
Attitude Pictures Disability Roadshow, workshops for journalists to learn about disability rights and reporting $121,420
Kowhai Media Photo Aotearoa a workshop and a three-month mentoring programme training photojournalists $98,256
Newsroom Training to upskill Newsroom’s graduate journalists  $50,610
Tikilounge Productions Coconet Reporter Training - Training three reporter trainees $49,324


Round six recipients  Made public on Monday 5th December 2022  







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    followed this page 2024-03-01 11:45:22 +1300
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