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Joining the Taxpayers' Union costs only $25 and entitles you to attend our annual conference, AGM and other events.
NZTA is planning to cut the speed limit on the entire Eskdale to Rangitaiki section of the Napier-Taupo road from 100km/h to 80km/h.
This change will impose a massive cumulative time cost on millions of journeys between Napier and Taupo. The only winner will be the Government, which gets the revenue generated by speeding tickets.
We're calling on local Labour MP Stuart Nash to join us in telling the Government to stop this change. Taxpayer money should be spent to improve the quality and safety of our roads – not to slow Kiwis down.
Joining the Taxpayers' Union costs only $25 and entitles you to attend our annual conference, AGM and other events.
With your support we can make the Taxpayers' Union a strong voice exposing waste and standing up for Kiwi taxpayers.
Often the best information comes from those inside the public service or local government. We guarantee your anonymity and your privacy.