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Health NZ broke yet spends $9,000 on canapes for ‘senior management’

The Taxpayers’ Union is calling on Health NZ to “focus on the figures, not the food” after an OIA was published by RNZ disclosing more than $60,000 on catering for 300 senior management.

Taxpayers’ Union Communications Officer, Alex Emes, said:

“Senior Management at Health NZ need to focus less on feeding off the taxpayer tab and more on balancing the books. $32 per canape - was it caviar dusted with gold?”

“Who is in charge of the books? In a time when they are losing $147 million a month – spending more than $60,000 on catering is completely disrespectful.”

“It is quite sad to see how out of touch the people in charge of our health system have become. Savings need to be found – and it looks like senior management might be a good place to start.” 

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  • David Williams
    followed this page 2024-10-24 10:57:23 +1300
  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-10-21 10:43:46 +1300

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