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Government needs to “proceed with caution” when considering performance pay

The Taxpayers’ Union is warning the government to “proceed with caution” after Nicola Willis’ comments about performance pay for public service executives.

Taxpayers’ Union Communications Officer, Alex Emes, said:

“While it would be a nice change to see bureaucrats paid just like the rest of us by pegging their pay to whatever value they provide, leaving the government to implement such an idea could go terribly wrong.”

“If the programme is drawn up to only top up and throw away more taxpayer dollars at the already bloated pockets of public sector chief execs, this decision would only increase the bureaucrat pay gap already crippling New Zealand.”

“While offering market-like incentives to start delivering value for the taxpayers’ money might improve outcomes, we also need to make sure underperforming bureaucrats’ salaries aren’t safe from being slashed.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-10-24 18:28:47 +1300

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