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Petition: Don’t ticket the innocent, keep the 10km/h speed tolerance

Title image

Every motorist has accidentally crept a few km/h over the posted speed limit.  Even using cruise control will see cars drift up when going down a hill.  But the Police have announced that they are introducing a zero tolerance policy that will see thousands of New Zealanders fined for going only one or two kms over the posted limit.  Police Minister Stuart Nash needs to stop this nasty revenue grab.

Petition: The Government and the Police should stick with the 10km/h speed tolerance so that innocent motorists aren't used as cash cows for accidental speed incursions.

Who's signing

Steven Gibson
Christopher Howard
Olivia O'Rielly
Vivien Pont
Brian Taylor
Jane Wardlaw
Marlene Smith
David Hoar
Tony Verdellen
Endy Marvianzi
Kelly Flinkenberg
Kali Rangiuaia-Evers
Geoff Mathis
Scott Clark
Lidia Rogers
Nicholas Kingsbury
Timothy GouldThorpe
Callum Berriman
Michelle DSilva
Craig McIntyre
Shane Broad
Carolyn Brown
Graeme Brown
Stephen Overton
Grant Tullock
Neil Morrow
Garrick Andrews
Guan Rocky
Kent Smith
Tony Stuart
20,000 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 42 reactions

  • Steven Gibson
    signed 2024-09-19 18:18:43 +1200
  • Christopher Howard
    signed 2024-05-20 22:41:28 +1200
  • Olivia O'Rielly
    signed 2023-10-15 10:57:19 +1300
  • Vivien Pont
    signed 2023-04-01 17:08:00 +1300
  • Brian Taylor
    signed 2023-03-26 17:26:13 +1300
  • Jane Wardlaw
    signed 2023-03-15 18:22:33 +1300
  • Marlene Smith
    signed 2023-01-27 16:48:47 +1300
  • David Hoar
    signed 2023-01-19 00:04:41 +1300
  • Tony Verdellen
    signed 2022-12-11 15:46:52 +1300
  • Endy Marvianzi
    signed 2022-10-15 18:49:26 +1300
  • Kelly Flinkenberg
    signed 2022-09-13 15:31:55 +1200
  • Kali Rangiuaia-Evers
    signed 2022-09-11 20:24:51 +1200
  • Geoff Mathis
    signed 2022-07-10 10:14:16 +1200
  • Scott Clark
    signed 2022-07-09 01:10:12 +1200
  • Lidia Rogers
    signed 2022-05-22 16:00:52 +1200
  • Nicholas Kingsbury
    signed 2022-04-14 20:36:11 +1200
  • Timothy GouldThorpe
    signed 2022-03-07 22:08:25 +1300
  • Callum Berriman
    signed 2022-02-08 13:02:57 +1300
  • Michelle DSilva
    signed 2022-02-03 16:48:53 +1300
  • Craig McIntyre
    signed 2022-01-22 14:14:40 +1300
  • Shane Broad
    signed 2022-01-16 16:01:32 +1300
  • Carolyn Brown
    followed this page 2020-09-01 17:31:07 +1200
  • Graeme Brown
    followed this page 2020-09-01 15:41:49 +1200
  • Stephen Overton
    @SteveOves tweeted link to this page. 2020-08-31 20:20:30 +1200
    Petition: Don’t ticket the innocent, keep the 10km/h speed tolerance https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/fines?recruiter_id=4747
  • Grant Tullock
    followed this page 2020-08-30 16:14:41 +1200
  • Neil Morrow
    @Nellycowboy1977 tweeted link to this page. 2020-08-30 15:32:59 +1200
    Petition: Don’t ticket the innocent, keep the 10km/h speed tolerance https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/fines?recruiter_id=9851
  • Garrick Andrews
    followed this page 2020-08-29 22:22:06 +1200
  • Guan Rocky
    @rockyguan307 tweeted link to this page. 2020-08-29 22:03:02 +1200
    Petition: Don’t ticket the innocent, keep the 10km/h speed tolerance https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/fines?recruiter_id=136066
  • Kent Smith
    followed this page 2020-08-29 21:48:13 +1200
  • Tony Stuart
    @TonyStuart55 tweeted link to this page. 2020-08-29 20:35:05 +1200
    Please consider joining the more than 5000 people who have already signed this petition.Petition: Don’t ticket the innocent, keep the 10km/h speed tolerance https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/fines?recruiter_id=3943

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