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Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

Taxpayers’ Union welcomes policy to bring back health targets

Reacting to the National Party’s announcement that they intend to bring back health targets, Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Callum Purves said:

“National’s policy announcement is a sensible one that should really be expected from political parties of all stripes.

“Setting targets is vital to ensuring that taxpayers are actually seeing the benefits of increased investment in health. For too long, more and more money has been pumped into the bureaucracy with no accountability for how that money is spent and no tracking to see if outcomes are improving.

“Since 2020, health spending has increased by 48% yet the performance of the health system continues to worsen. Taxpayers’ Union – Curia Polling shows that 70% of New Zealanders think the health system is worse than in 2020, the current approach to throwing money at every problem clearly isn’t working."

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2023-09-11 09:48:28 +1200

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