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More Accountability

Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

Taxpayers’ Union congratulates former Chair on election into Parliament

The Taxpayers’ Union congratulates former Chair, and businesswoman, Casey Costello on her election to Parliament as a NZ First MP today.

Taxpayers’ Union Executive Director, Jordan Williams, said:

“Those who have worked with Casey will know that she is an extraordinary woman. Hardworking, ethical, and principled, we are are delighted to see her in Parliament.”

“As is detailed in our 10-year anniversary book out later this month, Casey helped me and the organisation at a difficult time and set us up for the success that was the Three Waters campaign. While losing her from our Board was a blow, it is wonderful that Parliament will now have her skillset.

“I’m proud that the Taxpayers’ Union doesn’t fit the mould of any particular political party.  We know from our supporter surveys that our 200,000 subscribers vary as much as our staff, and board members, in supporting parties on the left, right, and centre. While reasonable minds may differ on the size and precise role of the state, all of us agree that New Zealanders are better off with effective, efficient, transparent and accountable public services.

“We will of course hold Casey’s feet to the fire just like we do for every decision maker who spends taxpayers’ money.  But I can say that in ten years of the Taxpayers’ Union, Casey is one of the most energetic but wise people we’ve come across.  We wish her every success as a new MP.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2023-11-03 15:03:53 +1300

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