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Taxpayers’ Union slams National’s alternative fiscal plan

The Taxpayers’ Union is slamming the plan released by the National Party today saying it barely touches the sides in terms of cutting waste, and realigning the sector to live within the country’s means.  

Taxpayers’ Union spokesperson Jordan Williams said:

“We expected the National Party to set operating allowances at least as small as what Sir Bill English achieved decade ago. Instead, the amounts are nearly four times larger, and somehow National says it is ‘prudent’.

“Grant Robertson has increased government spending by 70 percent. The National Party should be saving money, not simply saying ‘we’ll grow it a little slower’.

“National’s plan wont even get the books back into surplus any sooner than Labour. That means three-and-a-half more years of even more borrowing, and billions more taxpayer dollars wasted on servicing interest payments.

“This certainly snookers Labour though – it looks like those 16,000 extra bureaucrats’ jobs are safe under National. Frankly, that’s not good enough.

“Taxpayers want a Finance Minister to make the tough and necessary calls. While this plan ticks political boxes, it continues to kick the can down the road and is dangerous if and when New Zealand next faces an economic or natural disaster disruption.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2023-09-29 13:18:32 +1300

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