Lower Taxes, Less Waste,
More Accountability

Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

Tax cuts are the moral thing to do


The Taxpayers’ Union totally rejects Prime Minister Chris Hipkin’s claims that tax relief is unaffordable due to the so-called “cuts” he claims would impact delivery of public services.

Responding to the Labour Party leaders comments Jordan Williams said:

“Chris Hipkins is in la-la land. His flat refusal to acknowledge that Wellington is bloated is beyond belief. From the super-ministries, such as MBIE which has doubled in size, down to the window dressing agencies such as the Ministry of Pacific Peoples, which has tripled in size, New Zealanders are paying more but getting less from Wellington. Even bureaucrats are telling us that their colleagues have non-jobs.

“The only true tax cut is a spending cut. Grant Robertson and Chris Hipkins have driven up the cost of the government, driven up the back office headcount, and are primarily responsible for our cost of living crisis. Cuts to the waste, size and cost of Government isn’t just desirable, it is necessary and will help get New Zealand get back on track.”

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  • Nztu Media
    published this page in News 2023-09-15 14:25:13 +1200

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