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Taxpayers’ Union welcomes the wheels turning on RMA reform

Commenting on Minister Responsible for RMA Reform Chris Bishop’s speech to the New Zealand Planning Institute, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager, James Ross, said:

“Wholesale RMA reform must be the aim, and the Government cannot lose sight of that. If we ever stand a chance of tackling the housing crisis and infrastructure deficit, New Zealand needs to take the red-tape noose off from around its neck.

“However, this will take time, and New Zealand cannot afford years more of the same anti-growth status quo. Given the impossible mess of competing priorities we currently face, plans for the reforms to prioritise property rights and freedom of choice within clear environmental limits are an encouraging sign.

“Small-but-necessary amendments to the RMA whilst a replacement is drafted should be welcomed. But when it comes to planning reform, the Government needs to keep its foot on the pedal.”

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2024-03-22 13:56:40 +1300

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