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Pharmac Chief Executive Lacks Respect for Public Scrutiny, Unsuitable for Public Office

Responding to news that Pharmac Chief Executive Sarah Fitt took part in a series of personal attacks against journalist Rachel Smalley, Taxpayers’ Union Policy Adviser, James Ross, said:
“The strength of our democracy depends on the media being able to hold the government to account, and no public employee is too high-and-mighty to be above proper scrutiny. Unfortunately, far too many public servants act as though government transparency and accountability are nothing more than obstacles to be evaded by any means.
“Given Sarah Fitt’s senior role, her responsibility to lead by example should have been clear. The series of messages uncovered by Rachel Smalley show that instead, Fitt not only enabled a culture of disdain for public scrutiny but actively participated in it.
“Sarah Fitt has revealed how little respect she has for the public that she is employed to serve, and as such her position as Chief Executive of Pharmac is now completely untenable. She has lost the confidence of the Public Service Commissioner, the Health Minister, the media and the public. The Taxpayers’ Union is therefore joining the calls for Fitt to resign before she damages trust in the integrity of the public service any further.”

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  • Nztu Media
    published this page in News 2023-10-06 16:39:25 +1300

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