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Milking Taxpayers: Taxpayers' Union Reveals Ministry of Primary Industries Fieldays Expenditure

The Taxpayers' Union can reveal the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) spent over $125,000 for its stall at the recent Hamilton Fieldays.

"MPI's extravagant display at the event showcases financial imprudence. On top of $20,350.72 for their stall, they coughed up nearly $8,000 to transport 30 staff! MPI should be at Fieldays and I am sure their presence is welcome, but 30 staff seems overkill. And with a staggering $96,477.09 for display set-ups, it becomes evident that MPI prioritised show over substance" commented Oliver Bryan, Investigation Coordinator at the Taxpayers' Union.

"With farmer confidence at historic lows, the last thing they need to see is the Ministry of Primary Industries spending money on glitzy stalls and sending an army of bureaucrats to Hamilton. Perhaps a better focus would be on reducing red tape and eliminating unnecessary bureaucracy and regulations that burden Kiwi farmers."

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  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2023-09-04 09:42:34 +1200

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