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NEW POLL: Cost of Living Bites Taxpayers as They Head to the Polls

Cost of Living Bites Taxpayers as They Head to the Polls 

A new Taxpayers’ Union – Curia poll, focused on the cost-of-living crisis, has revealed the wide-ranging impacts of inflation on households across New Zealand, and who they are blaming for the crisis. 

According to the poll, 99% of respondents believe that the cost of living has significantly or moderately increased. In particular, households have noticed an increase in the cost of food (98%), petrol (90%) and utilities (68%) during the last year. 

Voters are also dissatisfied with how the Government has responded to the cost-of-living crisis. 79% of respondents have said that the Government’s spending has contributed to a rise in the cost of living in some capacity.  

94% of respondents believe that the government should be doing more to address the cost-of-living crisis, with 69% responding that the government should do much more.  

58% of voters think they are paying too much tax while just 6% think they are not paying enough. 

The full polling report can be found here

Taxpayers’ Union Head of Campaigns, Callum Purves, said: 

“What is clear from this poll is that the vast majority of New Zealanders are really struggling with the cost of living due to the Government’s out-of-control spending that has been driving up inflation. It is saddening to see that while so many Kiwis are making tough spending choices so that they have enough money to pay the bills, the Government continues to spend at record levels. 

“This poll highlights the very real effects that the poor decisions made in Wellington have on those struggling to make ends meet. Debates around the appropriate level of Government spending are no longer academic arguments, but rather the real financial and emotional strain facing everyone. It is now more important than ever that wasteful Government spending is cut right back, and tax relief is delivered to New Zealanders so that they can keep more of what they earn.” 

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  • Nztu Media
    published this page in News 2023-10-09 13:23:59 +1300

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