Lower Taxes, Less Waste,
More Accountability

Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

Taxpayers' Union Co-founder Retiring After 10 Years

Almost ten years after co-founding the NZ Taxpayers’ Union with Jordan Williams, David Farrar is retiring from the board.

“When Jordan and I set up the Taxpayers’ Union in 2013, I never imagined that almost ten years on we would have attracted 200,000 supporters and would have had so many successful campaigns." says Mr Farrar. "I have been humbled by the number of New Zealanders who have joined, donated, and support our vision for a prosperous New Zealand with efficient and accountable government."

"We have a top class board and excellent staff who, combined with our supporters, have the Union’s future in good hands.”

“I’m over-worked with my current commitments and most importantly am the parent of two young kids. I want to prioritise my family, so I am cutting down on a number of my non-commercial activities. I will of course remain an active supporter and donor to the Taxpayers' Union."

Jordan Williams says, "David has put up with me and the highs and lows of governing what is a unique organisation –at least in New Zealand. I could not have have asked for a better side-kick in the journey we've been on.  I know David has more ideas in the pipeline, and I am sure the Taxpayers' Union will only be one of many organisations he is involved in establishing that will make their mark for a better New Zealand."

"On behalf of the Board, the staff, our tens of thousands of donors, and hundreds of thousands of subscribed supporters, David deserves a big thanks.  We certainly look forward to marking his efforts in a few months, at the ten year mark."

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  • Craig Schofield
    followed this page 2023-07-07 12:24:53 +1200
  • NZTU Media
    published this page in News 2023-07-07 08:51:37 +1200

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