Two tax hikes, and an LED light bulb. Nothing for middle New Zealand in this budget
Commenting on today’s budget announcement, Taxpayers’ Union Campaigns Manager, Callum Purves, said:
“With the exception of rolling out free ECE to two years and dropping prescription co-payments, there is almost nothing that the average taxpayer receives from today, except higher fuel taxes and a promise to increase trustee taxes next year.
“The effects of record high levels of inflation mean that families are paying higher levels of taxation each and every year. Instead of any tax relief in this budget, they get a LED light bulb, and a bus ride for their kids.
“Compared to the half-year fiscal and economic update, the revised Treasury forecasts are alarming. Gross debt is projected to be $21 billion higher by 2027 than estimated just 6 months ago – despite Grant Robertson’s attempts to paint a rosier picture.
“Government is driving inflation even higher. Government is forecast never to return to the size as a proportion of the economy as pre-COVID. It needs to tackle its spending problem, and this budget just doesn’t deliver.”
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