Lower Taxes, Less Waste,
More Accountability

Championing Value For Money From Every Tax Dollar

Taxpayers’ Union Launches Book in Celebration of 10-Year Anniversary


The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union, in celebration of its ten-year anniversary, is releasing a book entitled “The Mission – The Taxpayers’ Union at 10”edited by prominent political author and journalist David Cohen. Among David's other recent works is a book on former Prime Minister Jim Bolger.

The book features a foreword by former Finance Minister and Prime Minister Sir Bill English. The book provides an account of the 10 years of the Taxpayers’ Union to date and includes chapters from co-founders Jordan Williams and David Farrar, as well as former staff, board members and mentors that have shaped the movement’s growth and casts an eye forward to what's in store for the next decade.

Jordan Williams, Executive Director of the Taxpayers’ Union, says:

“This book captures the highs and lows of keeping the Fifth National and Sixth Labour governments accountable and honest. This warts-and-all book gives a behind-the-scenes insight into growing the Taxpayers’ Union to become the largest centre-right organisation in New Zealand.

“The Taxpayers’ Union has been fighting hard for taxpayers for the last ten years, starting out as a basement operation run by an overworked lawyer and a prominent pollster, it has evolved into hundreds of thousands of subscribers supporting an 18-strong staff, that has outlived four prime ministers.

“We thank all of those supporters who have made our work possible over the years and look forward to the next 10 years of fighting on the side of lower taxes, less waste, and more accountability.

The Mission – The Taxpayers’ Union at 10 can be found in all good bookstores – that is, to say, the Taxpayers’ Union website at www.taxpayers.org.nz/book  Wholesale orders can be made via email to [email protected]


In 2013, a couple of political troublemakers called David Farrar and Jordan Williams created what they called the New Zealand Taxpayers' Union. The country had never had anything quite like it. Taking a cue from similar advocacy groups abroad, the new group set itself against unaccountable government spending, fiscal wastefulness, and unnecessary tax. They have since been joined in their quest by 200,000 Kiwi well-wishers along with an absolute pig of a mascot called Porky the Waste Hater.

And they've just celebrated their 10th birthday.

The Mission tells the story of what happened in the words of the founders, staffers, and key board members. The work takes stock of what has been achieved and casts an eye forward to what's in store for the next decade.

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  • Nztu Media
    published this page in News 2023-12-07 10:31:10 +1300

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