The average salary for staff at the State Services Commission is higher than at any other government department, according to figures released by the Taxpayers’ Union. This morning’s Dominion Post reported the Commission staff earn an average of more than $113,000 a year - $45,000 more than the public sector average.
Frontline orientated groups such as the NZ Customs Service ($60,209) and the Department of Corrections ($60,630) have significantly lower salaries when compared to the management-heavy Ministry of Women’s Affairs ($104,586) and Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs ($90, 887).
Instead of rewarding those on the front line, the Government appears to be making those in Wellington most comfortable. How can, for example, the Ministry of Women's Affairs and the SSC justify higher average salaries than both Foreign Affairs and the Serious Fraud Office?
In light of the recent blunders by the State Services Commission, Paula Bennett should be asking some serious questions as to whether taxpayers are receiving value for money from those who are supposed to be promoting an efficient public service.
Over the flip is the list of government departments and average salaries (access by clicking 'read more').
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