Who we are
We are New Zealanders who have formed a union to stand up for hardworking New Zealand taxpayers. We represent the common interests of all taxpayers and aim to become New Zealand's largest union.
We are not a political party, and we don't represent big business or special interests. Joining the New Zealand Taxpayers' Union only takes a few minutes and costs $25. Membership entitles you to attend our annual conference, AGM and other events, and to get regular communications from the Taxpayers' Union.
We rely on people just like you to support and donate to our cause to fight government waste. Our annual operating budget is currently smaller than the smallest trade union.
Click here for more information about who we are
The Taxpayers' Union stands for value for money for government spending. We want our politicians spending money as if they'd worked as hard the taxpayers who earned it and argue that new taxes should only be introduced when there are equal decreases in other taxes. We believe in a fair and efficient tax system. We are not a political party, nor are we aligned to any.
We promote sensible restraint of government expenditure by:
- Scrutinising government spending;
- publicising government waste;
- Arguing for an end to corporate and union welfare; and
- promoting and efficient tax system.
Click here for more information about what we stand for